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ULS: 28133916

One-and-a-half-storey for sale
1010 Rue St-Pierre, Sainte-Cécile-de-Lévrard

Lovely one-and-a-half-storey house, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 shower room, close to the primary school. Exquisite find in the heart of Sainte-Cécile-de-Lévrard, 12 minutes from the marina and the beautiful sandy beach of Deschaillons, CLSC, bike path, walking path, 35 minutes from Trois-Rivières, 2 hours from Montreal.
Number of rooms 6
Living area 106.80 m²

Property features

3 Bedrooms
1 Bathroom
1 Powder room
Surrounded by remarkable agricultural wealth and endowed with a dynamic community, Sainte-Cécile-de-Lévrard is a good place to live. It is an active and flourishing environment for the many young people who make up its population.
Dimensions 26' 9" X 28' 8"
Year constructed 1900
Living area 106.80 m²
Windows PVC
Window Type Sliding
Siding Pressed fibre
Roofing Sheet metal, Asphalt shingles
Washer/Dryer (installation) Bathroom (RC)
Kitchen Cabinets Wood
Bathroom Separate shower
Basement Unfinished, Outdoor entrance, Low (less than 6 feet)
Lot size 50' 6" X 63' 4" irr.
Lot area 290.40 m²
Topography Flat
Distinctive Features Street corner
Driveway Unpaved
Parking (total) Driveway (2)
Proximity Bicycle path, Elementary school, Daycare centre, Cross-country skiing, Highway, High school
Living room
Level: 1st level/Ground floor
Dimensions: 13'1" X 14'10"
Flooring: Laminate floor
Level: 1st level/Ground floor
Dimensions: 11'10" X 13'4"
Flooring: Ceramic
Dining room
Level: 1st level/Ground floor
Dimensions: 14'3" X 11'10"
Flooring: Laminate floor
Level: 1st level/Ground floor
Dimensions: 9'7" X 13'3"
Flooring: Ceramic
Primary bedroom
Level: 2nd level
Dimensions: 16'3" X 9'7"
Flooring: Laminate floor
Level: 2nd level
Dimensions: 9'8" X 9'0"
Flooring: Laminate floor
Level: 2nd level
Dimensions: 9'7" X 11'1"
Flooring: Laminate floor
Powder room
Level: 2nd level
Dimensions: 6'4" X 5'4"
Flooring: Flexible floor coverings
Cellar/Cold room
Level: Basement 1
Dimensions: 24'7" X 22'0"
Flooring: Concrete
Heating System Forced air, Convection baseboards, Electric baseboard units
Heating Energy Electricity
Property or unit amenity Central vacuum cleaner system installation, Wall-mounted heat pump
Water Supply Municipality
Sewage System Municipality

Financial details

Municipal assessment (2025)

Lot assessment
$ 8,700
Building assessment
$ 152,700
$ 161,400


Municipal (2025)
$ 2,158
School (2024)
$ 56
$ 2,214

Energy expenses

$ 1,470
$ 1,470

Mortgage payment calculator


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