Personal information is collected by RE/MAX:
Personal information is collected and used by RE/MAX for the following purposes:
Personal information is communicated to the following entities:
Your personal information may be communicated to persons or entities located outside the province of Québec.
In doing so, RE/MAX uses technology that allows it to carry out profiling, the functions of which must be activated by the client on the website, either by clicking on the “notification settings” hyperlink that appears after clicking on your user profile icon (in the upper right corner of the website interface).
You have the right to access, correct and withdraw consent to use your personal information. Please consult sections 9 and 10 of this policy for more information regarding the terms and conditions governing your rights.
You can also make a complaint by following the instructions set out in section 11 of this policy.
By providing personal information to RE/MAX through (i) direct or indirect contact with an authorized RE/MAX representative; (ii) your use of the RE/MAX website; and/or (iii) your authorizing the RE/MAX partner to communicate them; you consent to RE/MAX compiling, using, disclosing and retaining this personal information in compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in this policy.
This policy documents the measures and practices that RE/MAX QUEBEC INC. (hereinafter “RE/MAX” or “we” or “us”) has implemented to govern the use and safeguarding of its clients’ personal information. Clients (or “you” or “your”) are individuals from whom RE/MAX collected personal information through (i) direct or indirect contact with an authorized RE/MAX representative; (ii) and (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “website”) and (iii) its partners who are authorized to communicate such personal information for the purposes described in section 4 below.
In this policy, “personal information” refers to all personal information collected by RE/MAX that allows it to directly or indirectly identify a client, either independently or with other information.
The main purpose of this policy is to inform clients of:
By providing personal information to RE/MAX through (i) direct or indirect contact with an authorized RE/MAX representative; (ii) your use of the RE/MAX website; and/or (iii) your authorizing the RE/MAX partner to communicate them, you explicitly consent to RE/MAX compiling, using, disclosing and retaining this personal information in compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in this policy.
RE/MAX reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions set forth in this policy at any time and at its sole discretion. In this situation, RE/MAX will send a version of this policy that includes the changes made. Your use of the services as of the receipt of this version is deemed to constitute your express acceptance of the changes made.
This policy as well as all of its modified versions are subject to applicable legislation in the province of Québec.
RE/MAX collects personal information through the following means: (i) when voluntarily sending such personal information to a RE/MAX employee or authorized representative; (ii) when using the website; and/or (iii) when you authorize a RE/MAX partner to share such personal information (including companies affiliated with RE/MAX Group, i.e., Fonds Promotionnel RE/MAX Inc., Les Services de relogement national (RELONAT) Inc. and RE/MAX, LLC (Denver, CO)).
Generally, the purpose of the website is to provide information about RE/MAX and its mission, history, operations, accomplishments, programs, tools, involvement, partners and affiliated entities, among other things. However, as with any other website, the RE/MAX website needs to collect certain personal information to provide access to people who want to access the website and accomplish the purposes listed in section 4 that are directly related to the website.
As such, personal information shared when using the website may be communicated directly by the visitor (e.g., if they complete a web form or send an email) or automatically (see the list of personal information automatically collected in section 3).
Similarly, the website—as well as the RE/MAX profile on various third-party platforms—may be used by a client to contact RE/MAX representatives. In this context, the client must provide certain personal information to RE/MAX in order to be identified by its representatives.
RE/MAX may collect the following personal information:
To ensure that the website functions properly, RE/MAX must collect the following information from clients that visit the website:
All this information is collected automatically from the time a client logs on to the website. Certain personal information is collected through temporary cookies or “web beacons” (aka “invisible pixels”). These files or beacons also allow us to improve the website’s performance as well as some of its functions.
RE/MAX collects your personal information to:
Subject to exceptions under applicable legislation, RE/MAX will ensure that it obtains your consent prior to using your personal information in any way for any purpose other than those listed above.
Please note that you are responsible for obtaining an individual’s consent prior to communicating any personal information about this individual to RE/MAX, including your family members. Similarly, RE/MAX does not knowingly collect any personal information regarding minors younger than fourteen (14) years old, unless (i) consent has been obtained from the holder of parental authority or the guardian, as the case may be, or (ii) the collection of this information is clearly to the benefit of the minor involved.
Generally, RE/MAX uses its clients’ personal information for internal purposes only. However, RE/MAX is likely to share your personal information with the following persons or entities:
RE/MAX may share your personal information with people or entities that are part of the aforementioned categories that are located outside the province of Québec. However, RE/MAX only does so if a privacy impact assessment shows that the receiving party is able to adequately safeguard said personal information, particularly with regard to generally accepted privacy principles. In such circumstances, RE/MAX contractually requires the entity with whom your personal information is shared to comply with various conditions to ensure that your personal information is safeguarded, including but not limited to all conditions under section 5(b).
RE/MAX takes appropriate physical, technological and administrative privacy measures to safeguard your personal information and reduce the risk of unauthorized/illegal access, use, disclosure and destruction.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, RE/MAX:
Furthermore, the website is equipped with certain security mechanisms aimed at safeguarding your personal information, i.e.:
All privacy settings applicable to your use of the website offer, by default, the highest level of privacy, without any intervention from you. Therefore, any technology that can profile you is deactivated by default and will only be activated if you expressly consent to it. Please note that these principles do not apply to cookies, web beacons and log files, which are addressed in section 3 of this policy.
RE/MAX maintains a current confidentiality incident log, in compliance with applicable legislation. Should a confidentiality incident that presents a serious risk of harm to you occur, RE/MAX will take necessary measures to notify you, in compliance with applicable legislation. The risk that serious harm has been caused to you is determined based on criteria such as awareness of the personal information that is involved in the confidentiality incident, the likely consequences of its use and the probability that it is used for harm.
Pursuant to our procedures for safely retaining and disposing of personal information, we only retain your personal information for the duration necessary to accomplish the purposes listed in section 4 of this policy or for the term required for us to comply with our statutory obligations, whichever occurs later.
RE/MAX reserves the right to close a client’s file on which no administrative action has been taken for a consecutive period of at least three (3) years or, in the case of RE/MAX employees, a consecutive period of at least seven (7) years as of the last day of employment, all of which is subject to a statutory obligation providing a different minimum retention period. The closure of a file means that the personal information contained therein will be completely and definitively disposed of, or will be anonymized so it can be used for serious and legitimate purposes. When closing a file regarding a client who is not a RE/MAX employee or representative, the personal information contained therein must be destroyed or anonymized seven (7) years after the date said file is closed.
Under this policy, the term “anonymization” means the process in which personal information no longer allows for the client to which it is tied to be directly or indirectly identified, in a way that is irreversible.
RE/MAX acknowledges its clients’ right to access, correct, update and obtain a copy of their personal information by presenting a written request to this effect to RE/MAX using the contact information in section 13 below. Should such a written request be sent to RE/MAX, the company would carefully respond to it in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of said request.
A request to correct personal information will be granted under certain circumstances, including:
Should RE/MAX acquiesce to any client request to obtain a copy of computerized personal information, RE/MAX will ensure to send them (or any other person or agency authorized by law to collect such personal information, according to the client’s request) a copy in a structured and commonly used technological format. This subsection is not applicable (i) if sending the copy in such a technological format presents serious practical challenges and/or (ii) regarding any computerized personal information that was created or inferred from other personal information.
Should RE/MAX refuse to acquiesce to any client request to access, correct or update personal information, RE/MAX will ensure to share with them the reasons for this refusal as well as any recourse the client has under the circumstances and the timeframe in which it may be exercised. To the extent the client requires, RE/MAX shall also provide them with assistance to help understand the reasons for the refusal.
Should a written request to this effect be sent by the client, RE/MAX may also cease dissemination of the client’s personal information and/or deindex or reindex, as the case may be, any hyperlinks tied to this client’s name, subject to criteria established by applicable legislation in force at the time.
In principle, the exercise of a right provided for in this section by the client is free of charge. However, the client in question may be required to pay reasonable fees to offset the cost of transcribing, reproducing or transmitting their personal information. In such a case, the client will be notified of the amount of the fees in question before their request is processed.
Subject to your contractual commitments with RE/MAX and applicable legislation, you can withdraw or modify your consent for the collection, use and/or sharing of your personal information. To do so, you must submit a written request to this effect to RE/MAX using the contact information in section 13 below.
Please note that withdrawing or modifying your consent is likely to restrict or prevent RE/MAX from providing services to you, including access to and use of the website.
Please also note that withdrawing or modifying your consent will not have any impact on your personal information that was destroyed or anonymized in compliance with this policy.
You can make a complaint about the personal information safeguarding methods, practices and policies by writing to our privacy officer using the contact information in section 13 of this policy.
All complaints will be handled directly by our privacy officer. A response will be sent within 30 days of receiving the complaint. If the complaint is accepted, a summary of the changes made to the subject of the complaint will be sent to you.
If you are not satisfied with the handling of your complaint, you may also contact the Commission d’accès à l’information du Québec. A written complaint may be submitted to the Commission at the following website:
The website is likely to contain links to other websites or third-party products and services (collectively referred to as “third-party products”). Third-party products may be subject to conditions of use and a confidentiality policy that differs from RE/MAX’s. RE/MAX cannot in any case be held responsible or subject to any obligation regarding the content of these third parties’ terms of use and/or confidentiality policy. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, RE/MAX has no responsibility or obligation regarding any of your personal information that may be collected, used, disclosed or retained by any person or entity in relation to your access or use of third-party products.
Any link on the website leading to a third-party product does not imply or mean in any way that RE/MAX assumes or accepts responsibility for the content or use of this third-party product. RE/MAX makes no representations regarding the quality, safety, adequacy or reliability of third-party products, or the content or equipment they contain. When you access or use third-party products, you should consult the related terms and conditions and confidentiality policy.
We are responsible for your personal information. Consequently, we have designated a privacy officer at RE/MAX. To exercise one of your rights, ask questions, make comments or file a complaint regarding this policy or in relation to our handling of your personal information, please contact this person at the following address:
TO: Julie Smythe, Privacy Officer
1500 Cunard
Laval, QC, H7S 2B7
Toll-free: 1-800-361-9325
Email: [email protected].
Please note that RE/MAX is required to verify your identity before responding to any request, question, comment or complaint filed with its privacy officer.
Updated: 22 september, 2023