Residential Real Estate Broker
Fridge, stove, central vacuum (non-functional), light fixtures as installed in the basement, bathrooms and powder room, curtains, curtain rods and blinds, irrigation system, heat pump (pool), 2 garden hose supports, planter supports (back walls), all mirrors and bathroom accessories as installed, alarm system, heat pump (house), electric garage door opener
Furniture and personal effects of the sellers, all light fixtures not mentioned in the inclusions are excluded, washer and dryer, dishwasher, 2 curtain rods in the TV lounge + 1 curtain rod in the dining room, a blind in the ground floor bathroom, a blind upstairs leading to the TV room, basket holder on the front walls, medicine cabinet with mirror in the ground floor bathroom, 2 shelves in the garage, decorative wooden panels in the kitchen and upstairs.