Small claims

As part of the legal assistance telephone service, you and your spouse will receive up to three (3) hours of legal support for disputes under the jurisdiction of the Small Claims Division of the Court of Quebec and relating to your transaction and subsequent occupancy of your property. For more peace of mind, opt for Tranquilli-T.

Patrick & Nadia's Story*

Two weeks after moving into their new home, Patrick and Nadia discovered a large pool of water in their finished basement following a mild rainfall. The couple consulted an expert to inspect and evaluate the damage. It was discovered there was a crack in the foundation wall that had been there for some time. The total repair estimate was $10,250 dollars.

Having realized the water leak was due to a latent defect, Patrick and Nadia wanted to take legal action against the seller. Unfortunately they did not have any experience with the process of the Small Claims Court.

*Case examples are for illustrative purposes only. Certain conditions apply.

Patrick and Nadia remembered they have a RE/MAX Tranquilli-T policy and were pleased to learn that as part of the telephone legal information service, they have access to three (3) hours of Small Claims Court coaching from lawyers who are members of the Barreau du Québec.

With the assistance of the Small Claims Court coaching, Patrick and Nadia were guided through the process and procedures of the Small Claims Court, enabling them to take legal action against the seller.

Eligibility Requirements

The program covers residential real estate transactions made through a participating RE/MAX broker in the province of Quebec. Some properties and types of transaction are not eligible for the program.

A certificate of protection will be sent to you as soon as all the conditions of the promise to purchase have been fulfilled, with the exception of the signing of the deed of sale.

This protection is offered to you at no extra charge.

The Tranquilli-T RE/MAX program is underwritten by the Insurance Company of Prince Edward Island. Arthur J. Gallagher Canada Limited acts as a registered insurance broker. The contents of this site do not constitute a contract. Changes may have been made to the coverages described on this site. For details on terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions, please refer to the policy clauses.

For further information, contact Gallagher at 1-844-435-9002 or To file a claim, contact the Tranquilli-T Assistance Center at 1-844-REMAXTT (1-844-736-2988).

Frequent questions about small claims

The service is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, excluding statutory holidays in Quebec.

All calls will be handled by a lawyer who is a member of the Barreau du Quebec specializing in real estate transactions.

The service will provide legal information and answers to questions related to the real estate transaction and subsequent ownership of the property. For example, questions related to property boundaries issues or a latent defect.

During the coverage period, you can make unlimited calls to the service.

As part of the Telephone Legal Information Service, you and/or your spouse will have up to three (3) hours of legal information support services for litigation that falls under the scope of the Small Claims Court resulting from the real estate transaction and subsequent occupation of the property.

No. Lawyers are not permitted to represent you before the Small Claims Court. You must selfrepresent in Small Claims Court.

This service is restricted to only legal questions that can be asked and reasonably answered by telephone. The service will guide you through the legal process, including preparation of a formal notice and can provide you with the necessary templates of various documents required in preparation for Small Claims Court.

Discover the Integri-T program